Electroless nickel plating offers several benefits. This process operates without the use of electricity and therefore is strictly chemical based. In this process, the bath solution triggers a chemical reaction that binds the nickel to the other components outer layer.

When a layer is deposited onto an object, no matter what the shape of that object might be, the thickness of the metal layer will be even over the entire surface, which cannot be attained with electroplated coatings.

Some popular uses are:

  • Higher corrosion resistance
  • Wear resistance
  • Reduced cost
  • Uniform thickness
  • Easy to machine if needed
  • Can be baked hardened to a 60+ Rockwell
  • Close tolerance control

The average thickness of electroless plating can be as thin as .0005” and up to as thick as .010”. This process provides an excellent resistance to corrosion wear and hardness to the component. These components tend to be resistant to a variety of chemicals, which makes it fit for several applications and industry needs.

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